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April Fool's Day Pranks

Oh what joy this day brings.
Just thinking about pranks thrills me to tears!
I decided to make up a tasty treat for my family along with a few other low-key pranks.

April Fool's Day Chocolate Chip Cookies:

She wasn't very happy with me when I told her what they were ... she was too keen on these - knew something wasn't quite right and never actually tried one.

Did you figure it out? 

These are baked taters and black beans!!!
Simply delicious if you're expecting garlic, salt, sour cream, and potatoes! 
Here's how:
1. Whip up your favorite mashed potato recipe (I used 3 medium potatoes)
2. Mix in a few drops of yellow food coloring (3 drops was enough for this batch)
3. Stir in 1/2 can rinsed black beans
4. Then drop on a cookie sheet in a 350* oven for 30-45 minutes ... until golden on the top.

These will taste delicious with a little salsa at dinner time! 
By the way: I did make REAL cookies so as not to completely disappoint the family! ;)

For all you Pinterest Fools ..... happy pinning!

Not only did I prank today, but we also dyed  few things: 

Julia's Bunny checking out the eggs:

After the eggs were done I hated to waste all that beautiful color - so we dyed rice. Not sure what we'll do with this, but it feels right to have festive rice laying around.

I hope you fully enjoy April 1st - no matter what you get into!

One more thing .... 
if you have any leftover color disks/pellets from the Easter egg kit ... pop one into your kitchen faucet. Makes for a fantastic blast of color when the next person turns on the water!


Fun to find you again!

I like reading your stuff.

Granny Sue said…
This is too funny! I think I'm going to have to try those "cookies" this year.
5boystokiss said…

I would love it if you linked this up over at our blog. This month we are trying to inspire family friendly traditions, and we couldn't help but make sure April Fools made it in to the line up. Any way, this is super fun, and I hope you will share it with our readers!
Chrissy said…
Put the colored rice in a sensory bottle (plastic bottle glued shut) or at the Dollar Tree I found translucent Easter eggs, you could put the rice in the eggs and glue them shut and make colorful shaker eggs for a fun DIY musical instrument!
Anonymous said…
I might make the cookies for my coworkers!

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