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Showing posts from November, 2007

Everything Changes

I find myself listening in the morning. Awake. Breathing in the silence. Savoring the last few moments of sleepiness and appreciating with a full heart that these days are few. Husband sleeps next to me and I lay still. Our room is dark and cozy even though it's 9am. I take deep breaths and watch him breathe. His freckles make me smile. The way he reaches his foot toward mine ... these are the things I want to always notice. This peace. This love. My heart and mind are constantly thinking about this next season. I ask myself questions, I read books for answers, I search my own heart for answers. And still, I don't know what to anticipate other than change. Everything is about to change. A little body- adding a third breath to our mornings. Adding a new dimension to the silence, for even in the silence I will be very aware of her. The only thing I am sure of is that God gave her life. And gave her to me. While she is fully His, she is fully mine for this season