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Showing posts from February, 2009

wii are fat and wii need a change

For Thom's 40th birthday/Christmas present we purchased a wii. I was reluctant but it was THE only thing he'd been asking for since June of '07. Whenever we received gift cards for our wedding he asked (begged!) for a wii. I politely denied his request and continued meandering through the housewares section. Since he was still asking for one a year and a half later, I figured he was serious about wanting the wii and this wasn't some toy helicopter that he'd play with for a few weeks and then forget about. I have to say I've enjoyed the wii ... even renewed my love of Tetris. It's an expensive toy though. I'm not a fan of credit cards and spending money we don't have, but we made a purchase last Monday that we're putting to good use. The wii Fit. For two fatties who sit on the couch and watch tv every night this has been a great tool for us! This past week has been so different. It's nice to come home, have fun, be together, and work ...