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Showing posts from January, 2010

Color coordinating and problem solving

I was reading over at Simple Mom about her goal to be "paperless" and thought I'd share a part of my "paperless kitchen" with you. Mind you, my house isn't paper-none. Just paper-less. When Julia was born we tried to use the conventional burp cloths and bibs we received but I quickly found that our drawer was full of cloth that looked pretty but sucked at actually doing it's job. The cutest bibs we had were polyester based. Why did they even manufacture those in the first place? The purpose of the small towel on my shoulder was just for show. Slightly curdled milk chunks just ran down the towel like rain on a window. It didn't stop until it hit the floor. The bib was pointless! On our next trip to Stuff*Mart I picked up a mulit-colored pack of cheap 100% cotton wash cloths and immediately separated them into categories. (NOTHING soaks up spit like cotton!) The white and yellow ones were for the kitchen; wiping faces, cleaning food off t...

Dust You Are. Gen 3:19

I watched the wind pick up a mound of dirt and carry it across a field just now. The dirt didn't have plans of moving, I'm sure. The wind just came and moved it. Wherever it settles it will still have the same properties, same abilities ... to be a nurturing place for life. Isn't that what dirt does? I think this is what I want to be said of me ... that wherever I am, I nurture life. Except if it blows in your eye ... that's not very nurturing. I don't feel particularly nurturing though. Except in ways I must be with a child. A dropped pacifier, a missing bunny ... I patiently look under beds and cushions until it is found. I am loving in many situations but there are still SO many times that I am not. Having a family is like buying a spotlight and shining it on your heart. All the good and all the bad is revealed. My husband sees and experiences ALL of me. My daughter is an innocent bystander. I owe them deep apologies for the rest of their lives!...