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Coffee: Falsely accused

I'm amazed (and shouldn't be!) at the connection between food and the condition of my body.

Don't laugh. I'm naive. I know it.

I'm pretty sure you've heard my story. At the slightest hint that anyone is willing to listen I don't hesitate to tell you about my year from hell and how traditional medicine was killing me.

Let me refresh you:

Stressed to an all-time high, sicker than I'd ever been before, I was back in the dr's office for a 5th antibiotic in a 6 month span. 2003 was a rough year. Constant post nasal drip, an ear infection, chest congestion, sinus junk ... you get the idea. I'd been to the doctor 4 times already and this time he didn't even look at my ears, nose, or throat before writing me another script.

Did you catch that? He DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT ME. Just got out his handy dandy notebook & pen.

I was done with it. With antibiotics. With him. The whole thing.

Walking into the health food store I was already at the end of my rope and tears were on deck. At the ready. I explained how completely maxed out my emotions were, how I was sporting an infection in every possible location, and how the doctor dismissed me as just another antibiotic prescription. 

She gave me advice. *Sound advice. And one week later every symptom I had was gone.

Did you catch that? ONE WEEK LATER.

I had been sick, really sick for 6 months. SIX MONTHS. The doctor had no cure, no reason, no clue what to do for me. Stumped.


Skip forward to the birth of my daughter 4 years later.

Hormones and coffee. I blamed them. A really bad case of B.O. led me to quit coffee for a season, thinking it was an acidic reaction and a blend of whatever new hormones that either increased or decreased since Julia was born. I was taking an internet-educated guess and hoping for the best. The lack of coffee helped a little, but honestly, I just didn't want to give it up forever.

Recently, we decided to start juicing after watching *Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. I had nothing but fruits and veggies for 2 weeks straight. I dropped 15 lbs. Thank you, Joe Cross!

Then we watched *Forks over Knives and I decided I was done with meat and dairy altogether. It's not because of love and sympathy for the animals, although I'm aware of the horrific conditions some of those poor guys endure and definitely don't condone it or want to support it. But ultimately I've been convinced that I don't NEED meat and dairy to sustain my life.

And now, almost two weeks without it I am experiencing the joy of a meat and dairy free body. I've lost another 3 lbs and (drum roll please!) I don't stink! I have had insufferable stench for 3 years. Ask my husband. After one week of cutting out meat and dairy I don't even need deodorant. I haven't used it in 5 days!

I sound like a freaking commercial. But this is why I tell you I'm amazed.

Cutting out dairy also has me avoiding cereal. I know I could use almond milk or soy - but I'm pretty sure the processed sugars, flours, and chemicals weren't helping my cause either.

What feels good is that this isn't just a diet. It's not for a few weeks. This is it.

And one more thing - you might want to sit down for this one - I jogged yesterday.

I KNOW!!! RIGHT!!!????

*For info on the candida diet click here.
*Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead
*Forks Over Knives
We watched both documentaries on Netflix.


Adrienne said…
Sounds like you are well on the road to healthy life changes! Good for you! And I have heard a story years ago, that some enemy always knew where 'we' were because they could smell us...due to the amount of meat we consumed !

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